Ask HN: Advice for someone entering their 30s
12 points by marclave 5 days ago | 18 comments
ive been spending a lot of time reflecting on what i want to be focused on in my 30s, aside from company/career but also family/relationships/hobbies & was curious what y'all are experiencing or experienced being in your 30s.
999900000999 5 days ago | next |
Travel now.
Stop compare yourself to other people. Don't worry about what other people are doing or what other people want.
Some people are married with 3 kids. Some people are making a million a month. Some aren't able to hold down jobs and living with their grandparents.
Most of us will never get everything we want. I've accepted I've made certain choices and I'm probably never going to have a family.
But I'm lucky in other aspects.
Don't lose friends over politics. I'm very liberal, but liberal "friends"/companies have screwed me over more times than I can count. Judge the person, not the party.
Don't worry about approval from others. That's got to be the best part of getting older. Not everyone will like you, and that's great.
Be grateful for the ones who do.