Show HN: – blunder for your opponent every five moves
( points by eviledamame 6 days ago | 39 comments is an open source, peer-to-peer chess app where every five moves, players each get to make one blunder-move for their opponent
Townley 5 days ago | next |
My teenage niece is getting solid at chess, but I can still beat her handily. So we came up with a fun handicap the last few times we’ve played:
Every third turn, my four year old daughter gets to move for me. She doesn’t know the rules so she chooses a piece and we give her the full rundown of options where that piece can legally move. Neither of us can influence her choice, but there’s some degree of psychological play allowed for everyone’s entertainment
It’s been unexpectedly rich and fun for everyone involved:
- My daughter is slowly learning the game and likes hamming up the choice
- I exercise a different part of my brain around guarding eventualities and conservative movements
- Pure cackles of joy and glee from my niece whenever my daughter reaches for the queen