metadat an hour ago | prev | next |

Why does the Heifei look like 1/3 of a cruise liner? What happened to the badonk tail end?

To be fair, it's pretty large. If you zoom in, you can see some people in a door near the middle of the image, and they're nearly microscopic.

Element_ an hour ago | root | parent | prev | next |

The back 1/4 of the ship is angled at for a ramp that flips down for unloading. It makes the ship look narrower from the angle the photo was taken.

bilsbie 42 minutes ago | prev | next |

GOOD Point by my wife. Could they double purpose these ships as ferries? Seems like the same basic concept.

just_steve_h an hour ago | prev | next |

Ten thousand EV batteries packed into a ship’s hull.

What could go wrong?

fastball 14 minutes ago | root | parent | next |

I actually assumed that was part of the impetus for creating their own ship – standard cargo ships probably aren't well-suited to the job and simultaneously are a bit concerned about transporting such cargo.

ggm 27 minutes ago | prev |

I'm just here to say electrek's continuous scroll both delights and annoys me by equal measures (because of my right click new tab habit)

This is a giant RoRo. Compared to the one I used to cross the St Lawrence River a few years back, you could pack hundreds of them inside this in a meta meta car carrier.